“This is great with Shellfish.”
Makes 150ml
10 ml Sesame oil
15 g Shallots, finely chopped
15 g Pickled ginger, chopped
10 g Fresh ginger, chopped
1/4 Small fresh chilli, with seeds removed and chopped
35 ml Rice wine vinegar
40 ml Sugar syrup (See recipe below)
40 ml Dashi
10 ml Kikkoman light soy sauce
15 ml Pickled ginger juice
10 ml Nam pla
2 Fresh limes, juiced
Heat the sesame oil in a heavy-based pan and sweat the shallot, gingers and chilli without colour. Add the rice wine vinegar and reduce by a third. Add the sugar syrup, dashi and soy sauce and bring to the boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 30 minutes. Remove from the heat and add the pickled ginger juice, nam pla. Allow the dressing to cool before using and add fresh lime juice to finsh.
Sugar Syrup
(Makes 100ml)
100 g Castor sugar
100 ml Water
1 Lemon rind taken off and pith removed
Mix the sugar and water together in a heavy-based saucepan. Place over a medium heat, stir until the sugar has dissolved. Bring to the boil, reduce the heat and continue to cook for 3 minutes, skimming any scum that floats to the surface add lemon rind. Pass through a fine sieve into a clean bowl and allow to cool. Store in a sealed container in the fridge.”